
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Italians Demonstrate Against Illegal Mosque

Couple attacked for kissing in front of unlicensed mosque in Rome

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes

Imagine if here in America, a couple was attacked in front of a mosque because they were walking hand in hand and kissing, which was deemed offensive to the mosque. That's just what happened in Rome, and Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the political party Fratelli D'Italia led a protest in front of the illegal mosque to protest and demand that authorities close down the mosque. Below is a link to the video, which I translated for Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna.

I'll tell you what is offensive: It's people showing up (mostly illegally) in someone else's country and trying to enforce their own values on the nation's populace. It is evident that these people will never assimilate, not do they have any intention of doing so. Rome and Milan are full of these unlicensed mosques, frequented by mostly illegals. Many of them set up shop in the cellars of private apartment buildings with hundreds of strangers coming and going at all hours of the day and night. They should be closed down.

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