
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Albion College President Under Fire

Dr. Mauri A. Ditzler officially became the 16th president of Albion College on July 1, 2014.
Mauri Ditzler

Albion College in Michigan is going through all the usual campus turmoil of other institutions of higher learning. That's because minority students say they are uncomfortable on campus. They have bought into the narrative that the school doesn't care about them even though there are few institutions in America who are more liberal than colleges and universities.

It was during a campus demonstration on the issue that a white female student was reportedly insulted and shoved. When her boyfriend brought this to the attention of school president Mauri Ditzler at a school government meeting, he allegedly justified the action because she was "privileged".

Below is an article on the issue by the campus, paper, the Albion Pleiad.

If you can no longer prove white racism, you now charge white privilege. How convenient.
When a student is physically accosted, there is no excuse-no justification. Punishment must ensue. It does not matter the skin color of either party.

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