
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

An Important German Documentary on Anti-Semitism

Today, the German news network, Bild 24, is showing a 90-minute documentary on the new form of anti-semitism. The film is running all day long. Other networks have declined to show it. Indeed, it is controversial. It takes the position that today's anti-semitism is not coming from the traditional sources, rather it is a product of the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel movement. Early in the film, you see the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al Husseini, as well as Yasser Arafat. You see Mahmoud Abbas speaking before the European Parliament and repeating a charge that Israel had poisoned the water supply to Gaza. Martin Schulz, of Germany, then the Parliament president and now possibly the next chancellor of Germany, found the speech "inspiring".

This hatred towards the state of Israel translates into Jew-hatred that is all-too-often played out in Europe, where the results are plain to see. Whether it is the kidnap, torture, and murder of French Jew, Ilan Halimi, the attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse, the attack on a Jewish market, or the attack on a Jewish center in Brussels, Jews not even living in Israel are open to attack because they are Jewish.

The attackers are uniformly Muslims living in Europe. Much of the documentary is focused on France, where Jews are being driven out because the country will not protect them and they feel they have no future.

The producers also went to the West Bank and Gaza, where they reported on the corruption and disappearance of millions of dollars sent in by European nations. It also covers the BDS movement and how it impacts Palestinian workers in Jewish companies.

I have just watched the film in its entirety. It is in German without sub-titles. If you know German, it behooves you to watch it.

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