
Friday, August 5, 2016

Let's Proclaim September Buddhist Appreciation and Awareness Month

Image result for thai temple

Now that California has proclaimed August to be Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month, I am suggesting that we proclaim September as Buddhist Appreciation and Awareness Month.

The wording should go something like this:

Whereas the State of California wishes to recognize the positive achievements and contributions of Buddhist-Americans,

Whereas Buddhists have a very low crime rate in our country

Whereas Buddhists live quietly and don't bother anybody,

Whereas Buddhists do not seek to push their religion down our throats

Whereas Buddhists do not engage in religiously inspired violence,

Whereas no hate towards Western society, Jews, Christians or anyone else is preached in Buddhist temples,

Whereas Buddhists do not engage in terrorism,

Whereas Buddhists do not believe they are superior to others by nature of their religion,

Whereas Buddhists do not engage in honor killings,

Whereas Buddhists do not believe that non-Buddhists, homosexuals or apostates from Buddhism should be killed,

Whereas, Buddha never preached killing or making war,

Whereas Buddhists do not subjugate their women as a matter of course,

Whereas there is no need for airport security to protect us from hijacking of airplanes and crashing of said planes into buildings by Buddhists,

Whereas Buddhists have totally assimilated into our culture,

Whereas Buddhists do not demand conformity from the rest of us,

Whereas Buddhists do not demand that we honor them by expressions of respect or dedicating months to them.

I therefore propose that the month of September 2017 be declared by the State of California to be Buddhist Appreciation and Awareness Month.

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