The really great thing about the Peoples' University of California at Berkeley is that one never runs out of articles to write. Rich Tucker at Breitbart has a humorous piece on the latest goings on at Beserkley.
*Viewer warning: Don't read this while eating your breakfast cereal.
So if you have a kid going to the Peoples' University of California at Berkeley, you might want to check out his or her course schedule and see what you're paying for.
Gay soybeans don't reproduce.
Gay apples don't even bear fruit for one season.
End of story.
Some years ago, I tried planting a few pumpkin seeds, saved after Halloween. I didn't know much about pumpkins, and being in an urban area I wasn't sure if any bees would find the flowers, so I tried some manual cross pollination. It took awhile to realize I had been cross pollinating between two male flowers (pumpkins do have both male and female flowers, albeit on the same vine). Oh well, I thought, its San Francisco (which it was). Somehow the female flowers did get pollinated. I learned you can recognize them by the mini-pumpkins that form behind the petals. Male flowers lack such.
Siarlys--welcome to Botany 101. Pumpkins are among the plants which are "monoceious" (or hemaphroditic), having male and female sex organs on the same plant, as contrasted to "dioecious" plants, which have them separately.
BTW, When were you in SF?? I spent the summer of 1966 out there, taking some classes at Berserkely, and spent a LOT of time in SF, Oakland, etc., as well as Berkeley. Let me tell you, it was a REAL trip. Quite amazing to an old country boy. Remember Carol Doda??
I arrived after the craziness had died down a bit. About 1975 into the 1980s. Hippies were gone, or gone into business, and the impoverished masses no better off than before the FSM. Duh-uh.
As for the pumpkins, yeah, I learned that through empirical observation.
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