Spoker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who famously said about Obamacare, "We need to pass it so we can find out what's in it," is saying now that she never heard of Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist who helped put it all together. Not only has she never heard of him, but she says that "We need to put him aside."
She sure knew who Gruber was in 2009 when she quoted "......Jonathan Gruber of MIT's analysis..."during a weekly legislative news conference. The below link has the video clip of Pelosi bringing up Gruber's analysis. She even mentioned that he was from MIT.
So with Pelosi it's just like Eric Holder never knowing about Operation Fast and Furious, just as Hillary Clinton never saw those cables from Libya pleading for more security at the Benghazi mission.
The legacy of Obama, for him and his minions will be the most lying Administration in the history of the United States.
Squid, that's not what my mother, the life-long Republican fiscal conservative said.
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