Another day and another Jonathan Gruber videotape has surfaced where the uber-brilliant MIT professor calls Americans too stupid to figure out Obamacare.
As of today we have the University of Pennsylvania panel from last year. Yesterday, we learned of his comment from late 2012 while speaking at Washington University in St Louis, and now its 2012 at the University of Rhode Island.
And tomorrow?
I once again note how interesting it is that all of these comments came before university audiences and nobody raised an eyebrow.
And what is the reaction from the left and the non-Fox mainstream media?
At MSNBC, Mia Farrow's little boy (Ronan) brought on Gruber to explain the "nuances". Gruber said he was speaking off the cuff (at UPenn) and regretted what he said. That was before these last two tapes surfaced. I must say, Gruber is pretty good at speaking off the cuff. Let's face it; this is part of his off-shelf presentation before the academic elites, of which he is one.
The Huffington Post printed an article accusing Fox host Megyn Kelly of having a "losing it" at her Democratic guest, Bernard Whitman, who was defending Obamacare and basically saying that the ends justify the means. That was their spin ignoring the crux of the story. One of their readers referred to Kelly as a "rich white lady".
The rest of the media is pretty much ignoring the story as you knew they would. Here's an example: A friend of mine, a liberal gal who gets her news from NPR, had no idea who Johnathan Gruber was when I asked her yesterday. When I filled in the blanks, she reverted to the stuff about why we should be happy that so many millions who previously had no coverage were now covered.....
Stand by for Friday and most likely another tape.
Jonathan Gruber videotape has surfaced where the uber-brilliant MIT professor calls Americans too stupid to figure out Obamacare
You're right, I take that as a personal insult, because I am plenty smart enough to figure out that the Affordable Care Act is a great thing for the USA. I have faith in my fellow citizens who also supported the act. Who the hell does this Gruber fellow think he is, claiming credit for things that he had nothing do to with?
He reminds me of all the half-baked newspapers from the five or ten different communist partylets running around the U.S., who would publish a poorly written, badly researched article about some local event, and then act like the whole thing was their inspiration and an endorsement of their respective party lines, which would have been news to the people who did all the work.
Think of it this way, Siarlys. Gruber was talking about the dumb voters who voted for Obama and Obamacare. Republicans and conservatives like me didn't vote for it. We're not the stupid ones.
Sure you are Gary. You're the ones so blinded by ideological propaganda that you are willing to doom your country and the future of the human race because nothing Barack Obama or Al Gore said can ever ever ever possibly be true.
But you are correct that Gruber appears to be saying that I didn't know what I was voting for, or enrolling in. He's wrong, quite as wrong as you are. So I am happy to agree with you that this niggling little pipsqueak has insulted me.
Feeling better now?
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