Free speech
This week I posted a letter written in the UC Irvine campus paper by a group of UCI professors who call themselves the Irvine Faculty Association. While the letter's theme was defending professor Steven Salaita, whose job offer was rescinded by the University of Illinois, the writer(s) made reference to the fact that UC Berkeley was preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the "Free Speech Movement" (as if that were something to celebrate).
"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."
We also saw last month that UCB's bumbling chancellor, after issuing the weakest e-mail on the topic of free speech you could imagine, had to issue a clarification e-mail because he had apparently offended somebody. (I can't imagine who unless it was the Golden Bear himself.)
Now come the UCB College Republicans pointing out the hypocrisy of the celebrations and the fact that it is only certain speech that is considered free at this zany institution.
And how about those students shutting down a student meeting with UC President Janet Napolitano and screaming obscenities at her? And they are still students at Berkeley?
Come to think of it, am I still teaching at UC Irvine? ( I never used obscenities.)
Kudos to the College Republicans for being a voice of reason and sanity at Beserkley.
To liberals it is Free Speech for me but not for thee.
Maybe the students trying to shut down Janet Napolitano had been reading Fousesquawk. They were targeting recipients of the Golden Penguin Award.
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