This sounds like that Fairness Doctrine. It seems the Democrat party still wants to regulate speech. Breitbart has the troubling news.
I have no idea how that would affect this site. I don't post political ads for any fee. In fact, I don't post political ads at all. I certainly express my opinions and preferences on certain campaigns and candidates, but it is on my own behalf and not on behalf of candidates.
Today, I posted a jab at Hillary Clinton for her ridiculous comment at a Martha Coakley* event in Massachusetts, in which she said that corporations and businesses don't create jobs. I also referred to Coakley as a socialist. Do the Dems want to regulate that? Maybe not in this proposal, but eventually, I suspect they do.
In Islamic parlance, it is called, "spreading mischief throughout the land", and refers to people criticizing or opposing Islam. It carries a death sentence. I'm sure the Dems don't want to go that far.
Or do they?
* And who is Martha Coakley, you ask?
You don't wanna know,
1 comment:
Martha Coakley a socialist? Gary, you wouldn't know a socialist if you tripped over one in broad daylight. Coakley is the pathetic fool who thought the way to run for the senate was to sit in her nice warm office and wait for the returns to come in. As far as I read, she was asked about going out to press the flesh, and she said "You mean out in the cold?" She's a useless idiot. The fact that Hillary is campaigning for her, for anything, tells me all I needed to know about Hillary, that I already knew anyway.
I Coakley were a socialist she would be chartering a "Red Special" train car and campaigning night and day, like Eugene V. Debs used to do. At least she could do a little of what we used to do in the McGovern campaign in 1972, get up on cold mornings to hand out free cups of coffee to day shift workers at the knitting mill and the paper mills on their way in at 7:00 am in the February cold. (Night workers going home to sleep didn't generally have any use for coffee, but they stopped to talk with us too.)
Tactically, Scott Brown was more of a socialist than Martha Coakley... he did the right thing driving his old pick up truck all over the state. Unfortunately, he didn't care a whit for all those people he talked to, once he got into the senate, which is why they dumped him for someone who did care about them.
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