
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Another White House Snub of Israel

Hat tip Jihad Watch

When a visiting Israeli defense minister can't even meet with Susan Rice, you know Israel is not held in high esteem by the Obama White House

When is this administration going to recognize who the good guys and the bad guys are in the Middle East?

Here is another hint: Today there was an apparent honor killing in Israel. Not by Israeli Jews because they don't do that sort of thing. The Times of Israel has the report (hat tip Hastings).


Squid said...

This article linked below, may help with the understanding of the ideological cement which the Obama administration is permanently affixed. Islamist "political Islam" will prevent any peace between Israel and the P.A. A peace deal by Abbas would spell out his death warrant, by Koranic decree and other Islamic texts such as the Sira and Hadith. But Kerry and company would have Americans believe it is Israel that is the blame, which is the Progressive mantra.



Siarlys Jenkins said...

There are a lot of good reasons for Israel NOT to be held in high esteem. It is a stumbling block to any kind of settlement that might settle things down in the region. It is engaging in blatantly illegal settlement of militarily occupied land. I don't subscribe to calling Israel a "settler state," the facts are much more complex than that, but allowing and facilitating settlers in the West Bank is beyond the pale.

Historically speaking, Squid, the PLO and PA leadership have cared no more what some self-appointed Islamic textualist thought of them than Saddam Hussein did. Keep it up and you may push Abbas into the arms of the real fanatics in the region.

Israel carries a good share of the blame for the political vacuum in the region.

Squid said...

@ Siarlys

Siarlys,you say "Israel carries a good share of the blame for the political vacuum in the region."
What part of sending thousands of Hamas rockets into Israeli civilian schools and homes qualify as blame on Israel's part? What part of constructing tunnels into Israel to kidnaps soldiers and civilians is Israel's fault?Abbas has recently incited the Palestinians at the Temple Mount, to do anything they can to stop Jews entering the area of the Western Wall. Abbas is a real fanatic. He needs no pushing in that direction. He will not broker peace, because it goes against the trilogy of texts which recommend and prescribe killing all Jews.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

None at all Squid. I was blaming Israel for its own actions and omissions, not for those of Hamas.