
Friday, September 19, 2014

The Cost of Wearing American Flags in California

Hat tip Red State


The ultra-liberal 9th Circuit Court in California has predictably upheld a school that banned students from wearing apparel that featured the American flag during Cinco de Mayo because it was offending Mexican/Mexican-American students and leading to fights on campus.

Today, a man called in anonymously to the Dennis Prager radio show in Los Angeles. He stated he was a substitute teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District and didn't want to give his name because he feared retribution from the LAUSD. He said that a school he taught at celebrated Mexican Independence Day (September 16) calling it simply, "Independence Day". Meanwhile, the Fourth of July is called, "Firecracker Day."


Squid said...

One High School in Montebello, a largely Latino populated community, hung the Mexican flag above the American flag which was upside down. This is extremely disrespectful to the host country, America, while these Latino school administrators allowed desecration.


elwood p suggins said...

Political correctness is going to get us yet.