
Friday, September 12, 2014

Counter Jihad Coalition of Southern California

Hat tip  Counter Jihad Report

On Saturday nights on Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade, you might come across my friends and colleagues at the Counter Jihad Coalition of Southern California, who set up a table to inform the public about the threat posed to us by militant and supremacist Islam.

Make no mistake: CJC also attracts the ire of several Muslim passers-by, many of whom stop to argue. The CJC is prepared for that and prepared to discuss and debate in a civil manner. CJC is not anti-Muslim people, but on the other hand, will not be cowed. Here is some video of some encounters in which certain aspects of Islam are discussed with Muslims. You will note in several cases, the Muslims themselves make the case.

Here is the latest brochure published by CJC.

9-11 The Qur'an Made Them Do It_BK.jpg

If you happen to be at the Third Street Promenade on a Saturday night, stop by to say hello. Tell them Fousesquawk sent you.

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