
Thursday, August 14, 2014

John Kerry in Australia Comments on Boy Holding Severed Head

Hat tip John Speedie for audio


"That child should be in school"

On Tuesday, John Kerry was in Sydney, Australia and commented on the photo going around of a small Australian boy whose father is with ISIS in Syria, holding a severed head. This gives you a flavor of the dream world that our secretary of state is living in.

 "That child should be in school, that child should be out learning about a future, that child should be playing with other kids - not holding a severed head and out in the field of combat."

"Kerry proposed that the United States and Australia take the issue of foreign fighters to the United Nations next month so that countries could agree on ways to protect themselves from the threat posed by terrorists returning from Syria and Iraq."

"We are going to work together to assemble a compendium of the best practices in the world today," said Kerry, calling for support from both the countries where terrorism occurs and those to where the terrorists travel."

A compendium!

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah"

Aside from everything else about John Kerry, it really must be said that he is just not very intelligent.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

If he were intelligent, he would have been elected president in 2004. America was waiting for an intelligent alternative to George W. Bush. From my informal unscientific polling of passenger on the bus I drove at the time (the one Miggie is sick of hearing about), and their families, I concluded that the margin of victory was provided by people who still hadn't made up their minds the morning of the election. After breakfast, they took one last look at GWB, then took one last look at John Heinz Kerry, then held their noses and voted to re-elect the president.

elwood p suggins said...

While campaigning, the former governor of Louisiana, Edwin Edwards, once actually said "Hold your nose and vote for me".

Incidentally, he was convicted of at least bribery, did some time, and the last I heard of him was running for a U.S. Congress seat while in his (early??)80's.

Gary Fouse said...

Edwards took pride in being a crook until he got caught. I think he's dead now.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Edwards is running for the state legislature - oops, no, its congress, I looked to be sure - and given the quality of his opposition, people may be hauling out those old bumper stickers, "Vote for the crook - its important." You really ought to take a look at The American Conservative some time, and you would know things like this.

I've also read a number of reports that this photo of the boy with the severed head is a photoshop fake.