
Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Savagery is There for the World to See

From the horrors in Iraq and Syria to the violence in the streets of European cities, the burning of Jewish stores, the attacks on synagogues, and calls for Jewish blood, the world has been getting a steady diet of Islamic violence for years now, and it is only getting worse. The last remaining Christians are being killed or driven out of majority Muslim lands. The Jews in Israel are only safe from a second Holocaust because they are militarily strong enough to crush their Arab enemies. Jews in Europe are not so lucky. Their situation now is reminiscent of Europe in the late 1930s. It is not so much the native Europeans who are tormenting them as it is the large and restive Muslim populations, but the Europeans are guilty because they are tolerating the outrages.

Meanwhile, Muslim demogogues like Anjem Choudary in the UK are loudly promising to establish an Islamic caliphate that will take over Europe and establish Islamic law under Sharia. Yet, much like Adolf Hitler in the 1920s and early 1930s, nobody wants to take these characters at their word. Political correctness is the order of the day. It is so much more comfortable to just maintain that they have hijacked their religion.

They have not hijacked anything. What they are doing is implementing Islam as a political ideology as it was always meant to be since the days of Mohammad. Islam was never designed to live in harmony with other religions at least after Mohammad was driven from Mecca to Medina. It was meant to conquer and to dominate. The so-called moderate Muslims cannot step up and challenge the Islamists head on. Why not?

For one thing, they know that they would lose the theological debate. When you delve into the Koran and the hadiths and the life of the Prophet, it is the Yusuf al Qaradawis of the world who have it exactly right.

Unlike our stealth jihadists and so-called moderate imams in the US like Muzammil Siddiqi, who hide behind a veneer of gentleness and inter-faith events, Qaradawi sits in Qatar and openly expresses his hatred for the Jews and his desire to die fighting the infidel, He openly says that Islam must continue to enforce the death penalty for apostates or it would not survive. Qaradawi is one of the most esteemed Islamic scholars in the Islamic world. He is also the spiritual mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, his native country. And since he does not live in the West, he doesn't have to worry about offending anybody.

Secondly, peaceful Muslims risk death if they really stand up and fight against the Jihadists and the Islamists. They risk being declared apostates and blasphemers if they argue against what is written in the texts.

Yet the Muzammil Siddiqis of the world keep telling us that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance not withstanding the daily horrors that go on around the world and the thousands of deaths that continue to pile up. As I have said repeatedly, most Muslims live their lives peacefully and can get along with non-Muslims at least in countries in which they are the minority. But if Islam is truly a religion of peace, which we would like to believe, why all the violence and hatred toward Jews and Christians?

Why are Sunnis and Shia killing each other over who should have been the rightful successor to Mohammad when he died in the 7th century?

Why is it a crime punishable by death to leave Islam or to criticize it?

At what point do we say, "Sorry all you decent peaceful Muslims, but we have to call it what it is."

We also have to call the current crisis in Gaza and the reaction to it for what it is. It is unbridled Jew hatred, no matter how much they deny it. Here in the US, they feel they have to deny it. Instead, they say they are "anti-Zionist". Hogwash. They will not accept Israel because it is Jewish.

And look at the protests we see all over the world. While pro-Israel demonstrators are peaceful and hold Israeli flags and their own national flags, the pro-Palestinian protesters hold Palestinian flags and even the flags of Jihad, Hamas or Hezbollah. In Berlin, they shout, "Jews to the Gas Chambers." And more often than not they are violent. They cannot control themselves.

I know there are so many decent and peaceful Muslims who are embarrassed by all this. However, they almost all remain silent. I fervently hope that they do not suffer backlash just for being Muslim. That is against what we stand for here in America. However, we cannot remain silent for risk of offending them. Their silence or their excuses and explanations have made them irrelevant to the issue that must be discussed. We must speak out against this savagery, and we must not be afraid to explain why these things are happening. We should not be tolerating this is our own countries. As far as those countries where Islam rules, they should be isolated by the rest of the world. No trade. No relations. No immigration. No aid. No nothing until the madness stops.

That would be truly protecting the human rights of our own people.


Miggie said...

"Qaradawi is one of the most esteemed Islamic scholars in the Islamic world. He is also the spiritual mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, his native country."

The ROP is the only religion in the modern world I've heard of that the more religious you are, the more violence you promote.

Any discussion of religion has to exclude Muslims. Their belief system and culture are that much different. Every single Muslim, I believe, really wants everyone in the world to be Muslim but there is a substantial difference between that wish and the same wish in other religions. Theirs comes with Sharia law and terrible penalties while ours is respectful and tolerant of other religions.

They have weird sexual customs about females. They have ancient tribal bloody conflicts that persist for centuries.

I agree we have to isolate them to their part of the world and certainly not let any more in for any reason. Seal up the border tight and deport any trouble makers already here. Trouble makers is loosely defined and should include the Malik Ali types.

This is not a clash of civilizations but a clash between civilization and barbarians.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Any discussion of American constitutional law has to exclude Miggie.