This is an obvious case for CAIR to scream racial profiling. Twice this week, Muslim passengers on flights in the US have become unruly. Result: Fighter jet escorts and SWAT teams upon arrival. Creeping Sharia and Atlas Shrugs have the reports.
Here is the moral of the story: If your name is Mohammad or Ali, and you cause problems on a plane, you're going to get fighter jets and SWAT teams.
(Mohammad Ali, you're OK.)
Notice how the MSM refuses to name them usually.
Gary... are you saying SWAT teams are only called out for unruly Muslims on flights? Why should the fact that the passenger is Muslim make any difference? Isn't it their actions that got the SWAT teams called out? Isn't it? You're surely not accusing the police of profiling, are you?
(Findalis thinks anyone who's not Jewish should wear a yellow cross or a green crescent or a purple Buddha or something... but who cares what a bitter old retiree in Chicago thinks?)
I saw their names in the article link. I don't know about the MSM.
Here is the other incident
Of course there are no dots here to follow except that we see one crazy after another shouting the same things.
I know I posted that when it happened.
Sorry Gary. I've been ill. (I sent you an email). Haven't been able to check the site each day.
You get well and keep me posted on your progress. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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