
Sunday, July 20, 2014

John Kerry's Big Mouth

Once again the man who is supposed to be America's top diplomat has been caught sticking his foot in his mouth-this time mocking Israel's offensive in Gaza.

"Hell of a pinpoint operation," he said.

That's only the other stupid verbal mistake Kerry has made in the last 24 hours. His other gaffe was saying that this (the Malaysina Airliner shoot down) is a wake up call for Vladimir Putin.

Wrong, Mr Kerry. It is a wake up call for you and the president you serve. Do you really think Putin cares what you or Obama say anymore about anything? He has taken your measure. Putin knows the words coming out of Washington are meaningless.

That's because Obama and Kerry don't see what is clear: We are back in the Cold War with Russia. We need to start acting like it. We can start by shipping arms to Ukraine so they can combat the attempted takeover of their eastern region by Russian separatists. We can also begin the process of bring Ukraine into NATO. We can tell Putin that the Baltic states (which Russia wants to annex again against their will) are our allies. We can also try to stiffen the spine of the EU by replacing the natural gas they depend on from Russia with our own. If we are willing to produce it from our own soil, think what will do for our own economy.

In addition, we can place those missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, which Obama backed out on just to please Putin. We can halt the paring down of our military and if necessary send troops back into the deserted caserns in Germany. There is so much we could do, but we won't under this feckless administration.

And we can knock off the sniping at Israel over how they are fighting their war for survival.

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