As Israel buries its three murdered teenagers, the Gorge Soros-funded American organization J Street, still masquerading as a Jewish pro-Israel organization, continues to plead the Palestinian cause. J Street's president Jeremy Ben Ami, writes this disgraceful article to mark the event.
JJ Surbeck of Training and Education About the Middle East (San Diego), nails it with this analysis of Ben Ami's piece.
"I know there are still people who believe J Street is doing the right thing because its members are convinced they know better than the Israelis what’s good for them. I know because I saw them at their Annual Symposium in San Francisco a few weeks ago, including the San Diego contingent. For these hopeless and dangerous dreamers who fancy themselves as saviors, it would be a good idea to read the latest drivel that their fearless leader has spewed on the occasion of the inexcusable murder of Gilad, Naftali and Eyad. But of course, Ben Ami being Ben Ami and J Street being J Street, they would betray their agenda if they were to put the blame exclusively on the murderers. Just like the New York Times and other sick leftist commentators everywhere, J Street considers that, you guessed it, since these teenagers lived in Judea/Samaria, they were therefore part of "the occupation", and they had it coming consequently. In case no one had noticed, that’s the Palestinian narrative, not the Israeli one. So if anyone is still dumb enough to believe Ben Ami, one should according to him stop and think a little bit about the amount of pain that the poor, sweet, innocent Palestinians (whose peaceful culture we should assume is close to pastoral in nature) must have endured to conclude that such cold-blooded murders were the only way to improve their lot.
You read this junk and you wonder how many synapses in Ben Ami’s brain have shorted... It is simply unbelievable and unconscionable for the leader of a national Jewish organization to express at this time views that Haneen Zoabi, the firebrand Arab-Israeli MK accused of treason, would not disagree with. Ben Ami has this amazing sentence: "There is no way out of this spiral of violence and conflict if we can’t start to hear and understand the pain on the other side too.” Wrong. Soooo wrong. The spiral of violence exists only for one reason: because thanks to people like you, Israel has paid way too much attention and a heavy price trying to understand the pain on the other side, precisely. And the only guaranteed result, over and over again, has been and still is more pain inflicted by Palestinians who are not one bit interested in reciprocating some understanding of the pain they inflict on innocent people, over and over again. So, no, Mr. Ben Ami, there is no more room for understanding the pain on the other side. What is to be understood is that the Palestinians don’t understand Israel’s pain, never have and never will. It is consequently time to stop the charade of establishing any type of equivalence between the two sides. Israel is now entitled to take all measures it deems necessary, without any restraint of any sort, to root out the evil that you refuse to see and which, as we have repeatedly warned, you help unleash on a regular basis. “Pro-Israel?” How dare you? You and anyone who still supports you are objective accomplices in these murders."

Training and Education About the Middle East
J.J. Surbeck
Executive Director
Executive Director
Training and Education About the Middle East
I concur. Israelis do not kidnap and murder Palestinian teenagers. Israelis do not strap on suicide bombs in order to kill dozens of Palestinians. Where Israelis respect human life, Palestinians have zero regard for it.
J Street consistently takes the Palestinian side in every instance. Yet they are so intellectually dishonest that they still insist they are pro-Israel.
*Update: No sooner do I say that Israelis do not kidnap and murder Palestinian teenagers, than it appears that just such a thing may have happened. A teenage Arab has reportedly been found murdered in Jerusalem. Naturally, I condemn this. I will point out, however, that this is an isolated incident, and the Israelis have a justice system that will honestly attempt to bring the perpetrators to justice-quite unlike the Palestinians.
*Update: No sooner do I say that Israelis do not kidnap and murder Palestinian teenagers, than it appears that just such a thing may have happened. A teenage Arab has reportedly been found murdered in Jerusalem. Naturally, I condemn this. I will point out, however, that this is an isolated incident, and the Israelis have a justice system that will honestly attempt to bring the perpetrators to justice-quite unlike the Palestinians.
1 comment:
Zoabi is absolutely correct. Those who can't recognize that are in the end going to destroy Israel.
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