So as you sit in front of your computers tomorrow afternoon, you will be treated to "Free Free Palestine", "From the river to the sea..." and other chants. There will be cops galore, and if you are really lucky, maybe a Protective Services officer will fire his gun at a protester as he attempts to speed away after assaulting some pro-Israeli guy with an Israeli flag.
Maybe the multitudes will chant, "Khaybar, Khaybar ah Yahud..." that famous Arabic taunt to the Jews about how the armies of Mohammad are returning to slaughter them. That was just heard days ago in Miami.
And of, course, there will be that sea of green, white, red and black flags that are supposed to symbolize the Palestinian nation that has never existed and hopefully for the world, never will.
And the luminaries that are sure to be present. No doubt CAIR Southern California director Hussam Ayloush will be there to speak about human rights.
Maybe they will recreate that scene from October 2000 when Ayloush spoke in front of the Israeli consulate and the MSA guys were chanting "Death to the Jews". Human rights, indeed.
Play it again, Sam.
Here's Ayloush (r) with another famed human rights activist, Yusuf al Qaradawy
And what timing. Now would be the perfect time to ask Ayloush whether he supports or condemns Hamas. (Watch him go off.)
And since AMP is co-sponsoring this mash, maybe their founder, Hatem Bazian, will come down from his latest gig in San Francisco. Maybe he will call for an intifada in the US again. Maybe he will recite the hadith of hate about the Jew hiding behind the tree and the tree calling out to the Muslim to come and kill him (the Jew, not the tree). Maybe he will point to the skyline in nearby Westwood Village and identify the buildings with Jewish names on them.
Not that I would want this event to be shut down, mind you. I say let them proceed and let them say whatever they want. It's great PR. That's because the American people are getting fed up with seeing these protests. The people are getting fed up with seeing the Palestinian flags. The people are fed up with the hateful chants against our ally. The people are fed up with the angry and hate-filled chants and angry outbursts on our streets. God only knows how fed up the Europeans are, but unfortunately, most Europeans don't have the gonads to stand up to it-at least not yet.
So if you want to take over public space for your prayers and raise Hell on Wilshire Blvd. it's your party. All you are doing is further alienating Muslims from the rest of society, which for the decent and peaceful Muslims here, is a shame.
"...a Protective Services officer will fire his gun at a protester as he attempts to speed away after assaulting some pro-Israeli guy with an Israeli flag."
Judaism/Zionism pollutes the Mind, Body, and Soul.
According to recent reports it was the Pro-Israel folks who tore a Palestinian flag from Pro-Palestine folks and started the fight.
"Judaism/Zionism pollutes the Mind, Body, and Soul."
And according to Fousesquawk, Marcus is an anti-Semite.
The LA Times will always take the wrong side. That's why they are the LA Times. At this point 4 Arabs were busted. let's see if they arrest some pro-Israel people for provoking the encounter.
Even if someone pulled their Palestinian flag away, under the law it doesn't justify either throwing things at people or hitting them with things as is alleged.
I am trying to be fair here. I was on the other side of the street but didn't see it. I did hear the gunshot. The photos clearly show a guy in a red shirt and a stick or pole of some kind in his hand being confronted by two security guards (I posted it)before they jumped in the car drove away and the shot was fired.
These demonstrations on both sides should be peaceful and without racial or religious insults. At this point, the pro-Palestinian protests all over N America are going over the line to say nothing of Europe, where they have been even worse-much worse. See my postings in the past two weeks with photos and videos.
And your comment about Judaism is just one more for the Fousesquawk anti-Semitism Documentation and Research Center (apologies to Hatem Bazian)
"At this point 4 Arabs were busted. let's see if they arrest some pro-Israel people for provoking the encounter."
Unlikely, since the Los Angeles City Attorney is a Jew named Mike Feuer.
Mike Feuer is also a Zionist, and actually spoke at the Pro-Israel rally in Westwood.
You are on the wrong side of history Gary.
Are you really so stupid as to continue to make my argument for me? You are an open anti-Semite, and the more you comment, the worse you make yourself and your cause look.
If I am on the wrong side of history, who is on the right side-Hamas (a terrorist organization)?
Hey Marcus,
I just opened up your web site (Real Jew News) Wow. I must admit that is quite a site you have. I think my favorite is "The assassination of President McKinley was by Jews"!
You are not just an anti-Semite, you are a total kook. Therefore I won't waste any more time with you. Find another site to spew your venom. I suggest La Voz de Aztlan. (Dont't worry-it's in English)
From what I read froth m you and about your site, I conclude that you are merely a low-life Jew hater. From what I hear from the law enforcement folks, not the pro-Palestinian, leftist L.A. Times, is that the 4 Palestinian types in the truck drove close to the pro-Israel group, got out and waved the flag in their faces, provoking the flag grab. The rest, Gary got right as well.
Bye-Bye Marcus
In a 07/20/14 post Siarlys said, in part, "Bottom line: Gary wants all one billion Muslims in the world to be lined up as our enemies. Thus, he tells us that whatever al-Baghdadi says, that is what ANY and EVERY Muslim stands for".
While estimates of the number of Muslims worldwide vary somewhat widely, Siarlys appears to have significantly, if not grossly, understated that figure. I am waiting for him to publish his autobiography, which necessarily would be titled "Clueless in Milwaukee".
As far back as 15-20 years ago, several different estimates of the total number of Muslims worldwide ranged from 0.7-1.2 billion. This number has obviously grown over time. As examples only, more recently Pew estimated 1.6 billion Muslims and the Carnegie Institute came up with 2.1 billion. These numbers are undoubtedly more accurate than Siarlys'.
Certainly not all Muslims, and of course not even a majority, are violent extremists/jihadists or supporters thereof. However, both in context and in absolute terms, even a small percentage of a sufficiently large number is itself a large number.
Just a few years back (2010 I believe, and these numbers have also surely have grown since then), Pew did some polling/studies/research in seven (7) "Muslim countries" (Jordan, Nigeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey). The Muslims in those countries who supported al Quaeda ranged from 3-49% with an average of 22%. This translates to almost 130 million Muslims in these seven countries alone who supported terror.
Interestingly enough, and as an aside, the study also revealed that numerically, there are more Muslims in the UK than in Lebanon, and more in China than in Syria.
Pew admits that the polling for Pakistan was incomplete in that it could not conduct research in the tribal areas controlled by al Quaeda/Taliban. If those residents were polled, the number of supporters in Pakistan would necessarily rise significantly.
What would the number be if Muslims in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and numerous, perhaps even all, of the other 42 "Muslim-majority nations", were also included in this research??
Well, another source (the identity of which now escapes me because I did not save it, but which dovetails fairly well with the aforementioned Pew average of 22%) indicated that some 16-25% of Muslims worldwide supported radical/extremist Islamists, or "jihad", or whatever.
Extrapolating it out, on the low side there would still be the high probability of some 256 million extremist/extremist-supporting Muslims; on the high end, that number would be 525 million. That is a LOT of people, ranging from 80-164% of the total U.S. population.
As far as the U.S. is concerned, "" pegs our Muslim population at 6.67 million. This translates into not only the possibility but even a probability that we have between 1.1-1.7 MILLION radical Muslims in the country. Again, that is a LOT of people, far more, I believe, than the KKK, or any of the "militia" groups or similar entities.
So the next time Siarlys, et al, insist on minimizing the numbers of radical Muslims and maximizing the number of "moderate" ones, think about all this.
Your numbers are probably pretty accurate. Another probalem is that much like Nazi germany, the USSR and Imperial Japan, the majority of non-violent Muslims are silent. It is only a tiny majority who truly put their lives on the line to speak out and fight the jihadits, Zuhdi jasser is one. Irjad Manji is another. I have just run out of names.
Yeah Gary, these numbers may well be more or less "ballparky" but I too believe they are essentially at least fairly accurate and indicative at the very least, otherwise I would not have posted them.
And having rarely heard from them, I often find myself asking "Where ARE all those moderate Muslims anyway"?? You appear to have answered.
A big part of the problem are all the ones who say they are moderate like CAIR, MPAC and many of the imams we have highlighted here at fousesquawk.
They are what we call the stealth jihadists.
As funny as it sounds, all you have to do is ask them if they consider Hamas a terrorist organization. Their response - or lack therweof will tell you.
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