
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Discover the Networks Article on Muslim Student Association

Hat tip Discover the Networks, Jihad Watch, and Islamic Counter Terrorism

I am cross-posting an article from Discover the Networks that traces the history of the Muslim Student Association in North America. The article itself does not bear a date, but links to other articles indicate this one was posted no earlier than 2011.

This past week, the Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine held a "Muslim Awareness Week-Meet the Muslim Next Door". On Tuesday, the featured speaker was none other than Hussam Ayloush, head of CAIR's Southern California chapter. I did not attend, so I cannot speak as to what he said. However, according to Jihad Watch, Ayloush was involved in a demonstration in front of the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles on October 22, 2000 in which some pretty disturbing things were said about Jews.

"On October 22, 2000, Ahmed Shama, then-president of the UCLA Muslim Students Association, led a crowd of demonstrators at the Israeli consulate in chants of “Death to Israel!” and “Death to the Jews!” One guest speaker at the event was Hussam Ayloush, a member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which co-sponsored the rally. In his speech, Ayloush solicited contributions for the Holy Land Foundation, which was a supporter and fundraiser for Hamas."

Not the kind of people you would want to live next door to.

It is also reported by Discover the Networks that Mr Ayloush spoke at a protest on August 27, 1999  along with the UCLA-MSA.

"On August 27, 1999, MSA UCLA collaborated with such groups as the  Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and theMuslim Public Affairs Council to sponsor a "Protest Against the Use of Secret Evidence" in federal terrorism investigations. Among the speakers at this Los Angeles event were Abdul-Alim Musa, who wishes to see Islam "dominate" all other faiths, and Hussam Ayloush of CAIR-Southern California."

As stated above, another speaker at this protest was none other than the vile anti-American, anti-Semitic, pro-Iranian Imam Abdul Alim Musa-formerly Clarence Reams, convicted narcotics trafficker. This lovely fellow  publicly stated at UC Irvine in my presence a few years back that Islam was going to take over the US. "We want it all," he said.  He has also been quoted as saying that "if we don't get what we want, we'll burn America down."

Not the kind of guy you would want living next door.

Why would Ayloush lower himself to appear at the same event as co-speaker with Abdul Alim Musa? CAIR is supposed to be a moderate organization, right? Yet, the UCI MSU drags in this guy (Ayloush) to paint a positive image of Islam to the university community.

Nor is Ayloush the only CAIR official to share a stage with the notorious Musa. CAIR National Director and co-founder Nihad Awad has also shared the stage with him-with a Hezbollah flag, no less.

This past week of events was intended to convince non-Muslims at UCI that they have nothing to fear from the "Muslim next door". In most cases, that is certainly true as I can attest myself. The problem is that MSU keeps bringing in speakers who can't pass the smell test because of their history of questionable statements and questionable associations. Anyone who associates with Abdul Alim Musa is nobody I would want living next door.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

In Milwaukee, Muslim kids compete in chess tournaments with kids from Golda Meir Middle School. No breaches of etiquette to date. Nice people to have next door, which many people in Milwaukee do.