Nazis murder Jews during World War II
Sunni Muslims Murder Shia Muslims in Iraq. Just posted images by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) showing their murders of Iraqi Shia. Below: Sky News.
Atlas Shrugs shows more photos, which are more graphic.
-Atlas Shrugs
Here is the latest Fox News update:
-Fox News- Captives en route to their execution
That's just what they are doing to the Shia. The Iraqi Christians are fleeing for their lives. They know that they are next. If Israel is ever overrun, we will see another Holocaust. Can we finally put this propaganda about the religion of peace and tolerance to rest now?
We may or may not be able to stop this horror from happening in the Middle East, but if we have the will, we can prevent it from happening here. That means no more Islamic immigration.
Sorry, Gary, but this will all have to wait. The President is in Palm Springs now for his golf date.
He has taken every perk conceivable, no matter what the circumstances. He is like the guy at that buffet line that fills his pockets with cookies and stuff because it is free.
We snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq and flared up the situation in Afghanistan (the RIGHT war, according to Obama).
Now we are left with a mess that is likely to get worse to terrorizing the American homeland.
Now the ROP has or will shortly have a significant base to indoctrinate, train, support, and send on missions against the infidels as they had in Afghanistan pre 9/11.
Their aim is clear... world wide Jihad and Sharia law. It is a crime that our President is partial to them. It goes to show how long Obama's good upbringing in a Madrasah will last.
Thanks to all the idiots on the left who voted for him we now have a failed incomprehensible foreign policy, internal scandal after scandal, and an economy that has floundered the whole time he has tried to "fundamentally change" America.
Fox News is channeling William Randolph Hearst:
"You provide the pictures, we'll provide the Holocaust." Nothing is more likely to advance the popularity of ISIS than the fractures editorializing of Fox News.
Miggie... what would you suggest the President do about this? Send in the marines? Or issue a strongly worded press release?
What victory in Iraq did we snatch defeat from the jaws of? The installation of a partisan Shia government that refused a Status of Forces Agreement (as instructed by Iran)?
The mess began when we knocked off the man who had the capacity to keep a lid on, without the slightest idea what we were going to replace him with.
Don't worry about world wide jihad. Iran will keep ISIS contained.
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