Question: What is a zot sound?
Answer: It's the sound a global warming proponent makes when confronted with skepticism.
Yesterday, President Obama was telling UC Irvine grads that global warming skeptics were all off their rockers. Maybe he hadn't read this latest report.
"Zot, zot, zot"
If Breitbart says so, it must be true... whoever is running the show, now that the namesake is dead.
The Snake oil Salesman and chief was pushing the Global warming agenda when he was a senator. He and Gore, Goldman, George Soros,Valerie Jarrett, the Ayers brother, Franklin Raines and the Joyce foundation CCX partners were ready to take in 10 trillion annually for selling air. Oh, excuse me, that is cap-in-trade on carbon emissions to she the world and make the CCX owners and partners billionaires or even trillions in the pocket. The scientists Obama references are either paid off with grants and university chairs, or they are just plain poor scientists.
Zot, Zot, Zot!
Squid, on the other hand, is the world's leading scientific expert in the fields of biology, meterology, geology, cosmology, chemistry... truly and amazing performance, its a wonder he hasn't won five Nobel prizes by now... or maybe he just has an ax to grind.
Those names Squid named are really just front people for the Rosicrucian plot to establish a world government by 2025, and Al Franken is the key link, as evidence by his Saturday Night Live Routines circa 1977.
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