I am linking two articles from The Jewish Press in reaction to the statements issued by President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry in reaction to the brutal murders of Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach, and Naftali Frenkel. The first contains Obama's statement and the second Kerry's statement. They both appear on the same page on Jewish Press.
I have to concur with Lori Rosenthal Marcus, the writer, when she points out Obama's reference to the Palestinian Authority and his cautioning everybody (including the Israelis) not to take action. What in the Hell are the Israelis supposed to do? Even Kerry had enough class not to include that in his statement.
And from Algemeiner comes this: The IDF ambulance that was transporting the three bodies was attacked by Arabs throwing rocks. The windshield was smashed.
What the Israelis should do is identify, arrest, and prosecute the specific individuals responsible, and nobody else. (Being part of a mob throwing rocks generally makes one responsible for those rocks that reached the intended target, without requiring proof that a given individual threw a rock that actually connected.)
Also they should negotiate a border and let go of Palestinian territory, such that Israeli teenagers would be hitch-hiking in Israel, not from one tightly guarded settlement to another through a raging dispute. The border fence is alleged to have worked so well. How about a border?
What Siarlys fails to notice is that is what Israel has been doing for years now.
Now is the time to kick ass and wipe the sons of Cain off of the Earth.
Findalis, when you talk like that, you make yourself a legitimate target... hey, lady, you wanted to kill me, so I have to kill you first.
Anyway, that is NOT what Israel has been doing for years now. They have been keeping behind their fence AND slicing up the territory on the other side of the fence with Israeli roads, defense zones, settlements, and denying full statehood to the people on the other side of the fence.
Can't have your cake and eat theirs too forever.
P.S. If you rely on Biblical metaphors, all people alive today are either equally descended from Cain, or none are descended from Cain.
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