
Hatem Bazian (center) Malcontent
"Victimhood, orientalism, sharia phobia, panoptical racist society, brown male Arab bodies" and other such rot
In a language that has about a million words, leave it to our liberal academic elite to double that number in a few years time. Seems they are constantly coining new words and phrases to entertain our children in college. Below is part 2 of Campus Watch's report on Hatem Bazian's traveling salvation show on Islamophobia as reported by Cinnoman Stillwell and Rima Greene.
There is only one conclusion you can draw from listening to these people: They are nut jobs and misfits. I mean how else can you describe someone who takes that silly DHS film showing white terrorists and brown citizens turning them in and calls it racist against brown people?
"Temel alleged that the "misrepresentation" of Sharia as "inherently brutal" and consists of only "three rubrics: punishment, the treatment of women, and fatwas," which leads to "racism towards Muslims." The "media creates an image of Sharia" that is "meant to make Muslims look archaic" and makes them "targets of Islamophobic attacks." Moreover, "media reporting on Sharia shows images of stonings, veiled women, and bearded men," which eventually leads to "physical attacks." Yet Temel didn't deny that stonings occur (he couldn't given the numerous honor killings of veiled women by bearded men) and simply asserted that criticism of Sharia is nothing more than "a sophisticated way of attacking Islam as irrational, backwards, [and] violent." He even bemoaned the "anti-Sharia, anti-Islamic agenda in the history" of his native Turkey."
How about hudud sharia, young man? That is the section of sharia that deals with "Crimes against God" and mandates the death penalty for adultery, apostasy, blasphemy and homosexual acts".
"Despite its basis in reality, she mocked the film's portrayal of "unattended luggage and backpacks" as threats, claiming that they, too, were merely stand-ins for "the brown terrorist."
You mean like the Boston Marathon bombs, that came to us courtesy of the Brothers Tsarnaev?
"The shoe fits."
(Save your cards and letters, Bazian. He's a white guy.)
You would think that if America was so racist towards brown people and Muslims that these speakers would go back to their countries of origin, would you not?
Nobody gives these Islamaphobia conferences more coverage than Fousesquawk.
What narrative? They're mostly talking to themselves.
But is it true that CAIR has proposed laws to prohibit putting an image of Alfred E. Neuman into any photo pertaining to Islam? You'd think they would prohibit Muslims posing for photographs in the first place.
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