
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Cubs Win 5th in a Row

Holy Cow!

Can this be true?

Yes! It is not an illusion.


Max said...

Greetings Gary. This comment is off-topic, but I thought you might find this interesting. I left this comment on Elder of Ziyon's blog earlier today about something I noticed regarding the anti-Semitic gas station controversy in Cleveland.
Some of these anti-Semitic murals look A LOT like the "apartheid wall artwork" that shows up on UC campuses every spring. Someone with more experience critiquing art could describe it better than I can, but the arrangement of text and imagery, and the presentation of the text itself, are nearly identical. Certain visual elements are the same, such as the woman cradling a dying man, with dripping blood imagery for good measure (as if it weren't bad enough without the dripping blood). For example:

It is undeniable that much of the supposedly "anti-Zionist" artwork that appears at IAW is, from a stylistic viewpoint, practically indistinguishable from the most openly anti-Semitic visual propaganda that appears elsewhere, and they share common visual ingredients as well.

Squid said...

A sure sign that the end is near. The armies of the apocalypse will soon meet on the fields of megadon and plagues will cover the earth.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Its good news, but they are still at the bottom of their division. They do seem to have an up and coming pitcher. Now, if they could only hit a few more runs.

Max, Gary blogs on anti-Semitism, real or alleged, all the time. Surely you could have found a post where your comment would be on topic.

Gary Fouse said...


Thanks. See this morning's post.

As for being off-topic, what's off-topic about a woman cradling the bleeding head of a die-hard Cub fan?