
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Omaha: Another Inter-Faith Fiasco

Hat tip American Thinker

What happens when gullible Jews and Christians team up with a Muslim group connected with CAIR and the Islamic Society of North America (who in turn are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood) and a local Christian minister (a convert from Islam under a death fatwa from his own father) brings up the above association?

He gets a letter threatening a lawsuit if he doesn't shut up.

Anyway, here is my own little contribution to spreading the word about this mess. Who knows? Maybe I'll get such a threatening letter from the good People of the Book in Omaha. In case I do, here is my response in advance.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

That kind of lawsuit is called a SLAPP, and it was so rife in the 1990s that there are laws and judicial procedures to penalize it now. In addition, since the New York Times v. Sullivan case in the 1960s, it is almost impossible for a public organization or public figure to sue over public comments on matters of public interest... no doubt their attorneys will invoke the word "malice," but it will probably be thrown out as frivolous, unless there is something here that Gary and his sources aren't telling us.

Gary Fouse said...

The minister who was threatened with a lawsuit could file a SLAPP counter-lawsuit. I believe the initials stand for strategic lawsuit against public participation. It is a defense that is perfect for our side.

Miggie said...

Yet another example of well meaning soft hearted and soft headed liberals suspending their critical faculties. Good luck to them trying to get out of it. Actions have consequences and you know or should know what happens when you lt the Devil into the church.

Anonymous said...

Christians are called to "GO" (i.e. be active for the faith) and make disciples of all the earth for Christ. Anyone who builds a mosque (or a synagogue or Temple for that matter) or any other house of worship and engages in interfaith programs cannot truly be called a Christian. For by doing so they are disobedient to the Father and have discarded their faith for the crumbs of political correctness. Christians should be debating and confronting these sellers of sin and not be holding hands and dancing ring around a rosy.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Anonymous, what do you think Christianity is, a political movement?

Good news, mein Feuhrer, Christianity has organized a detachment of brown shirts. Their commander calls himself anonymous.