
Friday, May 16, 2014

The Latest From Michael Stuerzenberger in Munich

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Oz-Rita

Michael Stuerzenberger is the head of the German party, Freiheit (Liberty). Every weekend, he speaks publicly on Munich's streets against the growing Islamization of Germany. He is currently involved in a referendum to stop construction of a mega-Islamic center in Munich.

In this speech (with English sub-titles) he braves a mob of cat-callers to deliver his message about Boko Haram and the anti-German attitudes of many Muslim immigrants who come to the country as "political exiles" then live off the country's general welfare system while not respecting the country and its society. He invites moderate Muslims to join his cause. In spite of the loud mob, he never wavers in delivering his message. This was delivered in March 2014.

Kudos to Mr Stuerzenberger. He is a courageous man, and we need more like him.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

An intellectual descendant of the FreiKorps no doubt?