
Friday, May 9, 2014

Nonie Darwish and the War Against ex-Muslim Women

Hat tip to Frontpage Magazine

Nonie Darwish has sent me her latest article on Frontpage Magazine. It is about a real war on women-the war on ex-Muslim women, of whom she is one. I am cross-posting it with her permission.

Well stated. The case of the kidnapping of 300 Nigerian school girls by Boko Haram, an Islamic terror group, is forcing many in the mainstream media to face a fact: The very leader of this group is connecting this despicable act with Islam and Allah. Take him at his word.

As for the cancellations of Nonie's speaking appearances forced by the MSA/SJP types, that is bad enough. Just this week she was cancelled from a Tuesday speaking appearance at UC Irvine on behalf of Anteaters for Israel because the Jewish Federation of Orange County and OC Hillel threatened to withdraw funding to this week's campus I-Fest if Nonie spoke.



Siarlys Jenkins said...

The very leader of this group is connecting this despicable act with Islam and Allah. Take him at his word.

Oh yes. And take Francisco Franco at his word that he is connecting his despicable regime with the Christian faith. For that matter, take Jim Jones at his word that he is connecting his despicable acts with the Christian faith. Take Meyer Lansky at his word that he is connecting his despicable acts with the Jewish faith. Take Rajapaksa at his word that he is connecting his regime with the Buddhist faith.

In fact, what Gary is really advocating is, if a thug connects his despicable acts with any given faith, take him at his word, because the thug is always right, and the faith is his to command.

What absurd nonsense.

Gary Fouse said...


What you are saying is that this Boko Haram guy doesn't know as much about his faith as you apparently do. What absurd nonsense.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I'm saying that this Boko Haram guy doesn't speak for Islam. No doubt he knows what is going on in his own mind better than you or I. But he is not the judge of whether his own megalomania represent true Islam or not.

When you run away from an argument like this, I know you're afraid I might be right. Also when I find my comments are the ONLY response to your post, I know that nobody has come up with a refutation that even makes sense to themselves.

Gary Fouse said...


OK, now that you have refuted the BK leader, now you can explain away the 9-11 hijackers, the London bombers, the Madrid bombers, Boston bombers, the Bombay attackers and the 20,000 or so other terror acts since 9-11. Allha forgive them for they know not what they do.

I also lack other commenters who say the world is flat. That doesn't lend credence to your comments.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I didn't say ANYTHING about forgiving the perps Gary. Where did you get that from?

(Probably a consistent application of Christian teachings WOULD require me to forgive them, but I'm not a direct victim, so I'm not sure its my place to do so. The brother of a woman murdered by Karla Faye Tucker went to visit her in prison and forgave her, and I admire that, but I don't know if I could have done the same if I were in his position.)

What I said is, don't give a thug credence when he claims to speak for a much larger group... just as I don't give the Ku Klux Klan credence when they claim to speak for "white" people, or Christians, or Americans.