
Friday, May 9, 2014

The Rialto School Flap Over the Holocaust (Cont)

Hat tip Eagle Rising

My friend and colleague, David Whitley, has posted a thoughtful piece on the controversy over  a Rialto  (Ca) school assigning students to research the question of whether the Holocaust was a "hoax".

Critical thinking, indeed.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Mr. Whitley is either out of his mind or an outrageous demagogue. First, he makes no connection between the poorly framed assignment at the Rialto School and Common Core standards. Second, he rants about what the Common Core standards will do to education, but doesn't quote directly from a single one of them. His entire style of writing lends itself to the impression that he is delusional, paranoid, bordering on hallucination. If there is any substance to his critique, he fails to articulate it.

I don't particularly appreciate standardized educational programs. I'm not enthusiastic about Common Core. But I have yet to see any sober, coherent, argument that it is particularly dangerous, just knee-jerk reactions that anything "common" that has the slightest favorable commentary from the Obama administration (which had nothing to do with drawing up the standards) must be an insidious plot to subvert... something or other.

I grew up with the John Birch society as a pervasive, if ludicrous, presence. I concluded that they thought sex was a communist plot. Nothing has reminded me of them so much as the ranting and raving that lifts the rather banal and unproductive Common Core standard to the status of Imminent Evil.