"He comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife,” Clark said in her opening statements at the Brooklyn Supreme Court bench trial. “He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.”
-That's what the defense attorney said in her opening statements.
That is apparently the defense that Noor Hussain (75) is using in his New York trial for beating his wife to death because she cooked him lentils for dinner instead of goat.
Dear reader: This is why so many states are trying to introduce legislation that no foreign law (such as Sharia) can be used in their state courts.
Dear Gary,
If we passed laws against incorporating into statute or case law every oddball argument a desperate defense attorney turns up on behalf of an obviously guilty client, we'd have no laws to speak of, because everything can be turned sometime by someone.
Here in America, we used to have this problem with German, Polish, and Italian immigrants who thought it was all right to beat their wife.
Don't worry, the jury won't buy it, and the most the judge can do is give him twenty years locked up and twenty years supervised release, rather than forty years locked up. For that purpose, it might work, not because "Sharia law rules," but because "He knew not what he did." Still, he will get a long prison term for some degree of homicide.
Any more bug-eyed monsters hiding under your bed?
Maybe they should transfer the case to that judge in Jersey who issues boffo rulings because of sharia law.
Probably a good idea Gary. He's been slapped down hard by the Court of Appeals. He'll bend over backward not to do anything so stupid again.
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