Debra Burlingame
Debra Burlingame is the sister of one of the airline pilots who died on 9-11. Charles Burlingame was the pilot of the plane that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon. Tonight Debra appeared on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show. Megyn Kelly is one of the most courageous cable news talk show hosts because she is unafraid to talk about militant Islam, and she is unafraid to stand up to the bullies at the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Ms Burlingame is also courageous because she is unafraid to speak out on the ideology that killed her brother and 3,000 other people on 9-11. As she said this evening, the terrorists who killed her brother and took down his plane were screaming, "Allahu Akbar" as they committed their heinous act.
Because Debra is unafraid to speak out, the Council on American Islamic Relations has attempted to pressure the 9-11 Memorial Museum to remove her from their foundation because she is an "Islamophobe".
How dare they?
This the museum has refused to do.
So is Debra "Islamophobic" as CAIR says? Since that term implies a certain irrationality, how do you say that one whose brother was murdered in the name of Islam is "irrational"?
By the same token, is an Egyptian Coptic Christian whose church has been burned down, whose daughter has been abducted and forced to convert to Islam, irrational if he or she fears Islam?
How about the husband of the Sudanese Christian woman who is under a sentence of death by hanging as we speak?
How about the parents of those 300 Nigerian schoolgirls, mostly Christian, who have been abducted by Boko Haram?
How about the Baha'i in Iran who have been persecuted by the Islamic regime?
How about the Syrian Christians who are being hunted down and killed by those rebels that we are supporting?
How about the Pakistani Christians who are being falsely accused of blasphemy, arrested, and put on trial for their lives?
How about the Jews in Europe who are being assaulted, insulted, and spit upon by young Muslim male immigrants to the point that they are emigrating in droves?
Irrational? Bigots?
If the bullies at CAIR want to confront hate, they need look no further than their own mirror.
For CAIR, which is a supporter of the US-designated terror group Hamas, to demand that Debra Burlingame be removed from the 9-11 Museum is tantamount to the SS Alumni Association demanding that Simon Wiesenthal be fired.
"Jewish" Voice for "Peace" is planning a protest of the 9/11 memorial later this month, accusing it of "Islamophobia".
Positively Orwellian
That would be typical for that organization. They are despicable.
She's probably wrong on many points, and being the sister of the pilot doesn't make her right, but none of us are perfect. It doesn't disqualify her from serving on the board that she says things which might hurt someone's feelings.
What bothers me more is that Gary keeps veering from "I don't have anything against Islam or Muslims" to "these atrocities were committed in the name of Islam."
If the atrocities of the crusades, the inquisition, the persecution of Mormons, the massacre as Mountain Meadows, were all evidence of the NATURE of Christianity, then we should all have become Buddhists... oh, wait, Buddhists have been known to attempt genocide against Hindus and Muslims.
"These days." If it happened a long time ago its not relevant? Islam happens to be going through a period this century when the percentage of nut jobs with the capacity to seize some weapons, grab some territory, and impose their twisted rule in the name of God is up a bit. For Christianity, it happened in various past centuries, during some of which Islam was the great refuge of Jews from persecution. Everyone gets their turn.
This century?? How about the last 15 centuries?
What about the last 15 centuries?
I suppose you mean that since Christians can't be given any blame for atrocities committed centuries ago, neither can Muslims receive credit for centuries of alliance with Jews, or presiding over realms where Muslims, Jews and Christians all lived peacefully together. (Incidentally, there were Christian kinds in Spain who did that also. The ideology of the "Reconquista" is ex post facto nonsense. Christians didn't always act that way either.)
In those glorious days you reference, non-Muslims lived in a state of second dhimmitude. The Spaniards took back the land that the Muslims took from them earlier. Why do you think they called it the Reconquista?
"The Spaniards" did not exist as a people or a nation when "the Muslims" conquered a good part of the Iberian peninsula. A Muslim army defeated the Visigothic kingdom that subjected Ibero-Romans to a second class oppression that makes "dhimmitude" look like constitutional liberty.
Nor did the "Moorish" entity known as "Granada" have much in common with either the Umayyad or Abbasid caliphates, nor the Almohade or Almoravid dominions and Taifa states that came in between.
The Castilians, who oppressed the Aragonese, the Catalans, the Basques, and the Andalusians (and initiated some of the most brutal persecution of Jews in world history, causing many Sephardim to seek refuge in the Ottoman dominions), called it the "Reconquista" because it was convenient propaganda, sort of like Adolf Shickelgruber calling all Germans to come home to the Reich.
Under the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid caliphates, "dhimmi" was about as good and as bad a status as being a craftsman, innkeeper, merchant, or rich peasant in feudal Europe or medieval Japan. In later Muslim states, the term simply wasn't used.
We're talking about the Middle Ages here- not exactly a paradigm of humanism. You shouldn't try to portray it as such. Second class citizenship is second class citizenship.
Gary, the term "dhimmi" was in use during the middle ages, not exactly a paradigm of humanism. You shouldn't try to portray it as such. And the concept of "citizenship" didn't exist either. People were "nobility" or "subjects," all over the world, whatever their ethnicity or religion.
"Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Koran 9:29
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