
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Big Sis Speaks at UCI Under Tight Security

Hat tip New University

UC President Janet Napolitano addressed UC Irvine administration, staff and students for the first time since her visit in November. In an effort to avoid protest demonstrations similar to the rally during her November visit, the event was closed off to the general public and featured a significant police presence

No, I wasn't invited. The last time we crossed paths (at UCLA) she said I was rolling my eyes at her non-answer about Operation Fast and Furious. At any rate, here is what she said as reported by the UCI campus paper, New University..

Blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.


Squid said...

The University could have saved a lot of money for security by just putting a bag over her head, to hide her presence. It would have been interesting to hear her talk with a bag over her head. This is not to far from reality as she governed the Dept. of Homeland Security with a bag over her head. Does anyone remember when she called the Ft. Hood, Islamist massacre a "workplace violence".


Miggie said...

The only thing you can get out of all her words is that they are committed to more "diversity."

When you finish reading all of her speech all you get is a feeling that you have wasted your time.

Gary Fouse said...

isn't it amazing that we have a university president that has to speak in front of chosen audiences under tight security every time she steps foot on a UC campus?