
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Trey Gowdy Schools News Media on Benghazi

Hat tip Creeping Sharia and Truth Revolt

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who will chair the House Select committee on Benghazi, puts the news media to shame with these questions to reporters during a news conference.

I wonder if NBC's Chuck Todd was at that press conference. He seems to know all the answers.

Meanwhile, Harry Reid has made sure that the Democrat-controlled Senate will not participate in the hearings.

Which met with rave reviews back in Tonopah, Nevada.


Miggie said...

This excuse that we already have had 5 to 8 hearings (depending who is counting) on Benghazi really bugs me.
The administration did NOT hand over all the documents subpoenaed, especially the Rhodes one on the "goals" for Susan Rice's appearances. Many of the documents were heavily redacted so you couldn't tell what was communicated. Many witnesses, including the ones on the scene at the time of the attack were not allowed to appear before the committees. At least one invoked her Fifth Amendment rights.

It has been a classic stonewalling by this "most transparent of all administrations."

This is like the kid who kills his parents and then requests leniency because he is an orphan.

The administration frustrated all these hearings so now they now cannot claim that everything that can be learned has been learned. They are continuing to cover their incompetent asses.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Sounds like Gowdy is better at venting spleen than making rational statements. A true heir to the infamous House Un-American Activities Committee.