
Monday, April 28, 2014

Kerry's Lame Apology and J Street's Lame Defense of Kerry

Hat tip JBlog

John Kerry has issued a somewhat defiant apology for his remark that Israel could become an apartheid state if they don't make a deal with the Palestinians. Just as significantly, J Street proves once again that they are of the side of the Palestinians. Their statement defends Kerry and once again criticizes Israel.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Kerry made a valid point. Israel can be a democracy, from the river to the sea, but then they wouldn't be a Jewish state. They can accept and implement a two-state policy, in which case they can be a democracy and retain a Jewish majority and special immigration status for people of the Jewish faith (at least those approved by Orthodox rabbis). Or, they can remain in military occupation of a subject population, in which case, the simply logic of events will shove them in the direction of being an apartheid state. The illegal settlements already act like they live in one.