
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Intimidation and Cowardice Carry the Day at Brandeis University

Brandeis Withdraws Honor from Ayaan Hirsi Ali

We have been following the controversy in recent days over Brandeis University's plan to confer an honorary degree upon Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Muslim apostate who survived female genital mutilation, a planned forced marriage, the murder of her film-maker friend Theo Van Gogh, and threats on her own life. Because of her open criticism of Islam, the Council on American Islamic Relations had organized a letter write-in to Brandeis urging them to withdraw the honor  while supporters of Ali urged the university not to cave in to CAIR's intimidation tactics.

But cave-in they did.

"That said, we cannot overlook certain of her past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis University's core values."

And what are Brandeis' core values? Cowardice? Surely, they knew of Ali's views (based on her life experiences) all along.

Were I Ali, I would be thankful to learn about Brandeis' cowardice before getting that honor. 


Dusty said...

In which CAIR Claims victory and thanks their partners in slime:

"We welcome the recognition by Brandeis University that honoring an anti-Muslim bigot like Ayaan Hirsi Ali would amount to an endorsement of her hate-filled and extremist views," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "We would like to thank all those who took part in the effort to expose Ali's extremism and to convince the university to take corrective action."

Awad added: "This victory over hate was achieved because the American Muslim community joined with interfaith partners in presenting a unified front to challenge Ali's intolerance."

He offered specific thanks to the Brandeis Muslim Students Association, the editors of The Justice student newspaper at Brandeis, Tikun Olam blog editor Richard Silverstein, Imam Suhaib Webb of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the Islamic Council of New England, Brandeis Professor Joseph Lumbard, and the many Jewish activists and academics who joined in demanding that Brandeis University withdraw its invitation to Ali.

Awad said the issue was not one of First Amendment rights because "Ali remains free to spew her anti-Muslim venom in any other venue," but was instead about a prestigious university not honoring a purveyor of religious bigotry.

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

Gary Fouse said...

Honorable people like Richard Silverstein, who compared Chloe Valdary to an uncle Tom and Suhail Webb head of the Boston mosque that has spawned a number of terrorists.

Ten Awads couldnt make on Ayaan.

Miggie said...

I doubt if CAIR will play that same opposition to " ... hate filled and extremist views" at the upcoming Muslim Annual Hate Week at UCI.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Let's cancel the practice of giving any honorary degrees. There isn't a person who have received one who doesn't have something in their past contrary to almost any set of core values, including their own.