Now why would Hillary think that was a bat?
"Have a bite of this apple, Dearie"
By now we all know the story of the woman who threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton this week at a Las Vegas appearance as she was delivering a major policy speech on waste management. CNN even broke in from their non-stop rotating panels of aviation experts discussing pings and the depth of the Indian Ocean ad nauseum to bring us the Big Story.
I guess that was Hillary's second brush with death, the first being when she landed in Sarajevo with rockets landing all around her. Of course, her first reaction was that it was a bat, which proves a theory many of us have had about her ever since she burst on the national scene.
Of course, the reaction of our media was markedly different from when George W Bush had two shoes thrown at him by an Iraqi in Baghdad. They all but gave that guy the Nobel Prize.
There used to be an on-line video game where you could click a mouse and throw shoes at GWB, while the animated image ducked.
Maybe you could borrow the softward and paste Hillary's head in?
No, Siarlys, I would rather pick the wings off of flies in my spare time.
Excellent repartee, Gary.
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