
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Donald Sterling, Snoop Dogg and Chris Matthews

Yesterday, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver did what had to be done and in impressive style. I was particularly impressed with the way he took questions after his prepared statement announcing that he had banned  LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling from the game for life. He was direct and didn't evade anything.

It is true as some have pointed out that Sterling's remarks were private and not intended to be taped by his girlfriend (who may have violated the law by doing so without his knowledge depending on what state she was in at the time). The woman is certainly a gold digger and all that. The fact remains, however, that the NBA cannot allow someone with those views to own a franchise in its name. Commissioner Silver lifted a great burden off of the league and certainly off the shoulders of the Clippers' players who went out and won last night. The reaction of so many black players, past and present, to Silver's performance has been inspiring.

Not so inspiring was Chris Matthews, whose hyperbole once again got carried beyond the realm of reality and class with his comments comparing Sterling's rants with that "47%" comment made by Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential campaign. Newsbusters has an article with the video.

Then there was the always eloquent rapper known as Snoop Dogg who put this out (Warning: foul language).

"White bread"? What kind of contribution to the discourse is that?

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