Today was pretty much like yesterday, not much to do except look at the apartheid wall and watch the mock check point skit.
Oh yes. Did I mention that it was very windy today and one of the large wooden panels of the wall collapsed. That enabled ten Palestinian suicide bombers to run through into Israel...... (Well, not really, but the wall did fall-at least one panel.) A "concerned student" promptly called the campus police with a request to take down the wall as a safety hazard. Vice Chancellor Thomas Parham was on the scene and reportedly said that taking down the wall was not an option. As it was, a yellow tape was strung across the front of the wall.

Fallen panel-RIP

A view of three of the panels at one end of the apartheid wall
This gives you an idea of the size of those panels.
Interesting that "Nature" is in play, taking down part of the Hate-Wall. There is going to be stronger winds predicted for tomorrow. Hopefully, no one gets hurt if the wall flies across the open campus area. But even if the wall hits an unsuspecting student, acting risk manager, Vice Chancellor Parham will assure the MSU that he will not take it down. Do I see a lawsuit!
Empty. Nice.
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