This is an example of just how wacky our universities are when it comes to race.
-Photo: The College Fix
What all this boils down to is if you are a white person, you are not welcome because you are not a "person of color", which is one of the most popular expressions in academia today. White people, according to this lexicon, have no color because white is not considered a color.
Not welcome
What is at work here, Ladies and gentlemen, is an effort at the tribalization of America, to lump "people of color" (non-Caucasian minorities together in a coalition against whites. Please explain to me how this is going to make this a better society.
The answer is that the people who are working to bring this about-and that includes some white leftists as well- are not trying to make this a better society. They are trying to tear it apart root by branch. What better way than to divide us by race and sexual orientation after so many years of this country becoming better and more accepting of other races and gays as well. It is just so sad.
And to think that our universities allow themselves to be the focal point for this insanity.
Now if only Gary would analyze the details of the event on which he swings his argument, instead of providing an obscure link to some kindred web site, then going off on a rant about what it all means, without a shred of data about the specific event that set him off.
Oh, didn't the College Fix article adequately explain what the event was all about? I thought it did.
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