
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rhode Island State Senator Tells 2nd Amendment Guy to Go #*^#& Himself

Hat tip Truth Revolt

This is what happened when Rhode Island State Senator Joshua Miller, a gun-control advocate was confronted by pro-gun  advocate Dan Bidondi with a microphone. (Viewer warning: naughty language.)

"So Mr Luciano, how do you feel about your conviction?"

If we didn't know better, we would have thought Bidondi was asking some mobster for his reaction on just being convicted of racketeering.

Is this how this guy Miller debates people who disagree with him on issues? Good grief!


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Its hard to have a rational conversation with a mindless thug in attack mode chanting language he doesn't understand.

But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be attempted. Anyone advocating some sort of regulation of gun use, display, and ownership should be thoroughly familiar with the 2nd Amendment, and ready to argue in full reference to existing Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Gary Fouse said...

Language he doesn't understand? Sounded like English to me.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The mindless thug doesn't show much comprehension, just the ability to chant.