
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Minnesota College Banning Words Left and Right

Hat tip Campus Reform

More college nuttery in action

At Macalester College somewhere in Minnesota, there is a drive to eliminate certain words from the English lexicon. Are you ready? Viewer warning advised.

"You guys"

Campus Reform has the report.

"Our culture is heterosexist, it's racist, it's patriarchal. It's transphobic, homophobic, ageist, ableist,” SooJin Pate, a Visiting Assistant Professor of American Studies, said in another video.

"Daddy. What does transphobic mean?"

Transphobic, ableist. Seems for every word we eliminate, we invent two more.

I notice that most of these phrases are used by teenagers. When you look at the list, do you suspect that given a few years, they might just grow out of them?


Yeah, I think so too. So here you have some PhD and a whole department devoting all this time and energy to telling these kids not to say this or that. Kinda makes you wonder if they offer any classes on those old-fashioned topics like history, math, science or foreign languages.

In the interest of full disclosure, Macalester's library has one of my books. Maybe I should stop right here.


Findalis said...

I see the Newspeak committee is burning the Midnight oil.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Transphobic? Doesn't that have something to do with one of the moons of Mars passing across the disk of the planet as viewed from earth?

Banning words? First Amendment.