
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

ISNA Meeting in Detroit

Hat tip Steve

The Islamic Society of North America is hosting the 2nd annual Masjid Forum in Detroit May 9-11. The theme is expanding mosques in the US. I note that the ex-president of ISNA, Muzammil, Siddiqi is one of the participants. The current president is Mohamed Magid Ali.

One thing I find fascinating is that given the small percentage of Muslims in the US, the inordinate attention given to fund-raisers, so-called charities, many of which have been found to be fronts for money being funneled to overseas terrorist organizations like Hamas, mega mosques totally out of proportion to the local Muslim population (e.g. Murfreesboro) and Islamic schools.

In addition, it is noted that ISNA is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, as established by seized documents in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas.


Anonymous said...

"...totally out of proportion..."

Ya mean like the number of Jewish Senators and Representatives relative to Jewish population in America.

Seems Fishy.

Gary Fouse said...


Fishy. That's just the word I was thinking about. You took the word right out of my mouth.

I'll bet you think it's fishy that there are so many black basketball players in the NBA-totally out of proportion to the % of the population. (It's called accomplishment).

Anonymous said...


Henry Waxman, Barbara Boxer, Anthony Weiner, Alan Grayson, Brad Sherman, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, etc.

I would not use the word "Accomplishment" to describe the above.

More likely the Jewish Lobby pulling political strings.

The Truth Hurts.

Gary Fouse said...

Well at least you are an anonymous Republican.

Gary Fouse said...

Well at least you are an anonymous Republican.