
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

SFSU School Newspaper Article

Hat tip Dusty

At the
-Photo Golden Gate Express

Golden Gate Express, the school paper of San Francisco State University, has published the below article on the on-going controversy on that campus over images put out by the General Union of Palestine Students.

The above article does not include the most recent charge that GUPS president Mohammed Hammad has now expressed his death wish to a specific Israeli soldier by name.

As for Mr. Gonzalez, who I assume is not Palestinian, I would suggest he do some further research, such as investigating the Hamas Charter and its references to Jews, or the statement of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that all Jews should gather in Israel so as to make the task of hunting them down much easier.

No, Mr Gonzalez; the people you are throwing your lot with do, indeed, have a position on Jews.


Findalis said...

Isn't making a threat to murder a specific person a felony? If so, why hasn't this idiot been arrested?

Squid said...

@ Findalis

The answer to your question: Eric Holder


Anonymous said...

Personal Statement of Mohammad Hammad