
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Geert Wilders Speech in Torino, Italy

Hat tip Revoltes en Europe

On December 15, Dutch politician Geert Wilders spoke in Turin (Torino) Italy in front of the Lega Nord (Northern League). He had two themes: A rejection of the centralization of Europe under Brussels and the Islamization of Europe. The speech below is in English with an Italian interpreter.

In addition, the above post from Revoltes en Europe lists (in French) Wilders' 10-point plan to stop the Islamization of Europe.

1. Arrêter le relativisme culturel et inscrire dans la constitution des pays l’origine judéo-chrétienne de la civilisation européenne

Stop cultural relativism and adhere to the original Judeo-Christian constitution of  European civilization 

2. Arrêter de prétendre que l’islam est une religion. L’islam est une idéologie totalitaire où l’apostasie est condamnée à mort

Stop pretending that Islam is a religion. Islam is a totalitarian ideology where apostasy is punished by death.

3. Arrête l’immigration de masse en provenance des pays musulmans

Stop mass immigration from Muslim countries 

4. Encourager les immigrés à retourner dans leurs pays arabo-musulmans

Encourage immigrants to return to their Arab-Muslim counties

5. Expulser les criminels étrangers et ceux à double nationalités vers leurs pays 
d’origine arabo-musulmans

Expel criminal foreigners and those of double nationality to their Arab-Muslim countries of origin.

6. Renforcer la liberté d’expression dans la constitution européenne

Reinforce the freedom of expression in the European constitution

7. Forcer les minorités extra-européennes à s’assimiler

Force non-European minorities to assimilate

8. Renforcer la coopération entre les pays européens dans la lutte contre l’islamisation

Strengthen cooperation between European countries in the struggle against Islamization

9. Arrêter la construction de mosquées tant que les pays musulmans interdisent la construction d’églises ou de synagogues. Fermer les mosquées où les prêches incitent à la violence. Fermer les écoles islamiques où les jeunes sont endoctrinés dans la haine et la violence

Halt the construction of mosques just as the Muslim countries prohibit construction of churches and synagogues. Close the mosques where sermons incite violence. Close the Islamic schools where youth are indoctrinated in hate and violence

10. Remplacer les politiques actuels collaborant à l’islamisation par des leaders courageux n’ayant pas peur de dénoncer la menace

Replace current politicians collaborating with the Islamization with courageous leaders without fear of denouncing the menace.

Within a European context, I agree with most of Wilders' points. I do not agree with the idea of Northern Italy breaking off from the rest of the country although Alto Adige (Sudtirol) is in effect German in language and culture. That is another discussion.

Are these points applicable to North America? I still maintain that our situation here is not as dire as in Europe, where assimilation hardly exists, there is scant regard for the host country culture, and the problem of unrest and street crime is getting out of hand. We are not at the point where we should be encouraging a certain bloc of immigrants to get out en masse. Certainly, we should identify those who have come here and are sowing discord, working to harm our country, and take away our freedoms-to say nothing of those who are connected to terrorism. Those we don't need or want.

The European elections next May, to which Wilders referred, will be interesting to watch.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

A certified nut gives a speech to the insane asylum. The world will little note nor long remember.

Gary Fouse said...


I have deleted your comment. No ethnic epithets allowed on this site.

Different Anonymous said...

What kind of grown man bleaches his hair platinum blonde???

A Crazy One.

All I need to know about Wilders.

Gary Fouse said...

Different anonymous

I don't know. Maybe it's a wig so he can go around with his regular hair and not be recognized by all the crazy people who want to kill him.

I wonder if you would have the courage to speak out in defense of your country at the risk of your life.

Different Anonymous said...

Its his real hair Gary.

I do have the courage and do speak out against the Jewish Menace that threatens America.

I do not fear for my life, but I sure as heck get called a bigot and racist a lot.

Gary Fouse said...

Different anonymous.

You get called a bigot for good reason if you use terms like "the Jewish menace in America".

What you overlook is that Jews don't persecute anybody, don't try to destroy other faiths, and don't carry out terror attacks. Jews in America have contributed a great deal.

As for your "courage", if you are so courageous, why don't you sign your name? I always do.

You are nothing more than a cowardly Jew hater.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I wonder if you would have the courage to speak out in defense of your country at the risk of your life.

None of us really knows the answer to that until we are tested, we only know what we would like to think we would do.

I see little to no evidence that Wilders is speaking out in defense of his country. Thus, he is risking his life in service of his own sordid career. I also see no evidence of "courage" in flaunting silly fantasies like "the Jewish menace that threatens America." Picking out scapegoats is cheap rhetoric, no matter who the goat may be.

Gary Fouse said...


Wilders lives under a constant threat of death and is under constant security.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Anyone who kills Wilders, or attempts to, should be prosecuted for it, but for the most part he is engaged in flagrant rudeness toward a wide variety of people, then crying "Mommie, they're going to kill me." You know, like Huey P. Long was shot by a man who was incensed that Long had implied his father-in-law had black blood, which cast aspersions on the man's wife. Nothing noble about any of it, but Long brought it on himself.