
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Egypt's Constitution and Sharia Law

Hat tip Coptic Solidarity

Adel Guindy, the president of Coptic Solidarity, has written this piece on Egypt's new constitution and the question of Sharia law. It is must reading-especially for President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

And don't forget. There is a full court press on-going within the US to convince Americans that Sharia law is perfectly compatible with the US Constitution.

i) The application of barbaric bodily punishments, such as stoning, amputation of limbs, crucifixion, or flagellation;
ii) A Muslim killer of a non-Muslim cannot get capital punishment;
iii) Non-Muslim’s court testimony cannot be accepted against a Muslim;
iv) Child marriage upon reaching puberty; and
v) Deployment of “Virtue and Vice Police”

Guindy's article was written in November. Here, from Jihad Watch,  is an update on the status of the draft constitution, which is to be voted on in January. A key pro-Sharia provision has been stricken.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Any religious law having the force of law is inherently inconsistent with the United States Constitution. Individuals practicing what they conceive of as the requirements of Shariah law may or may not be consistent, depending on what they mean by it. Shariah is what any given expounder or believer says it is -- there is neither unambiguous written authority nor a universally accepted expounder. I have yet to hear of or read any use of the word "Shariah" in the Qu'ran.