
Friday, December 13, 2013

Ed Schultz on the Union Payroll

Hat tip Truth Revolt

"Whaddaya mean youse don't watch da Ed Show?" 
(Amazing resemblance)

It seems MSNBC butter and egg man Ed Schultz has a second job.  According to the below report, he's on the payroll of the AFL-CIO-for "promotional and political activities"- like trumpeting the unions on the Ed Show and having  AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumko on said show.

$144,000 in 2012 and $75,000 in 2013. That'll buy a lot of butter and eggs, Ed.

I wonder if the TV news media has any rules about conflict of interest.


Miggie said...

Here is a guy who fights for thr "little guy" on principle yet manages to make a profit anyway despite his courageous stands.

What a phony!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Its Trumka, not Trumko.

They don't call it a "show" for nothing. Schultz is not a newsman, he's a commentator. Its probably a waste of money for the AFL-CIO to pay this idiot anything, but its not illegal.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Sure he is. So are a lot of other people in the media, some with very profitable shows. This is news?