
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Child Sexual Exploitation in UK- The Beat Goes On

Hat tip Creeping Sharia

The Bristol Post is covering yet another case of child sexual exploitation in Britain by announcing the arrest of a (10th) suspect. (That's just in this particular local case.)

And if you think these guys will be deported once they serve their sentences, think again. The Daily Mail has another depressing report about a Somali rapist due to be released. He won't be deported because that would violate his human rights!!.

They said the sun would never set on the British Empire. The empire just set on Britain.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

People are being arrested. That's good. Its not like any country anywhere has ever been without crime. The best law enforcement does is to keep a lid on it. People who sexually exploit children are being arrested for it. That is as it should be. What's your problem?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Rampant? Define rampant. Every post you offer on this subject is about someone being duly arrested for the crime.

Come to think of it, drug use is rampant in the USA, and we deport people routinely for it. But its still rampant.