
Friday, December 13, 2013

Congresswoman Ann Kuster (D-NH): "Benghazi? What's Benghazi? House? What House?"

Hat tip Storm'n Norman

This is Nancy Pelosi stuff

On November 25, Congresswoman Ann Kuster (D-NH) appeared in Manchester before the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire. When asked her view on House Resolution 36 (on the Benghazi attack) , she tried to evade the question by claiming it was in the Senate. Then she tried to evade it by saying she was there to talk about the Middle East. Some in the audience interjected that Benghazi was in the Middle East. She was then saved by the moderator.

(If you want to split hairs, Libya is part of North Africa, but it is located next to Egypt, which technically, is also part of North Africa. Does anyone really want to argue that it is not part of the Middle East?)

Here is the Manchester Union-Leader report.

The whole thing would be laughable-something comparable to that Miss Teen South Carolina gaffe a few years ago- except that this woman is a member of the US Congress.

This is why questions were written down by audience members and passed up front-so as to eliminate hard questions. It just so happened that Kuster was dumb enough to pick up a question she didn't want to answer and read it out before ducking it. It is instructive how the moderator jumped in to save her. On further thought, I find this typical of so many Jewish Federation chapters around the country. Don't make waves is their motto.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Why can't this woman have the presence of mind to forthrightly respond that she's going to vote no, because it would be a waste of taxpayer's money and take a lot of time away from doing real work, in congress and in whatever agencies people are subpoenaed from?

Liberals are afraid of their own shadow, and Rush Limbaugh's. When someone pitches you a fast ball, you don't duck, you bat it out of the park.