“You know life has changed when you’re hanging out with Jane Fonda backstage. There is no greater embodiment of being outspoken on behalf of what you believe in — and being 'all in' in every way — than Jane Fonda. And it’s a huge honor just to even briefly have shared the stage with her.”
-Samantha Power on Jane Fonda
Should anybody be surprised that US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power would praise Jane Fonda?
There's not much I respect about Jane Fonda, but "Hanoi Jane" is trite old pablum. Any public figure who is in the presence of any other public figure generally spouts some banality about what an honor it is. Shame? Doesn't rise to that level.
This administration is basically unpatriotic from top to bottom. They all seem to feel that the US is basically malevolent. None of them has a sense or has ever expressed with any degree of conviction what a force for good we have been since our inception.
I know it is cool now to be down on the US and point out every wart and scar but essentially we have been the best country in the history of the world, both for our citizens and for other people around the world.... current administration excluded.
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