"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me....even if it is a small minority of 5%........ who will eventually wind up in a better position than they were before......."
No, that's not Hitler speaking in May 1945. That's the line taken by President Obama in his interview with NBC's Chuck Todd over the fiasco known as the Affordable Care Act. I watched a segment of it last night on MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell's "The Last Word" as he and a panel of three like-minded liberals tried to put a happy face on this disaster by slamming "the right' and their opposition.
Meanwhile the stories keep flowing in from people who are losing their health insurance including some who are battling cancer and now have to navigate their way into Health Care.gov, where Obama and his gang assure them they will find something better. How comforting for a man battling cancer to know that now he will have an abortion covered. In fact, to date, more people have been dropped by their insurance carriers due to the new restrictions imposed by Obamacare than have successfully enrolled.
That is a monumental screw up that in the private sector would cost people their jobs. Instead, this community organizer-turned president vows to work with Kathleen Sibelius to fix that website and move on.
Oh, yee suckers.
"community organizer-turned president vows to work with Kathleen Sibelius to fix that website and move on."
The apology from the Organizer and Chief is hollow. He is not truly apologizing for his signature effort to destroy the American health system. He is apologizing for the crap that he calls a website, only. The "ACA" is a redistribution of wealth scheme that transfers money to his entitled minions, for more votes. In the mean time, as Americans have lost their health insurance and will continue to do so,, he and Sibelius maintain their platinum plans. In fact Sibelius said she could not get ACA, either because she did not want it, didn't know she qualifies for it or is just plain stupid about ACA availability. Interesting that she is the head of ACA.
In my opinion, Obama delayed the implementation of the employer provided plans because it would have decimated over 100 million health plans across the Nation and cause a revolt in the U.S., more significant than the Boston Tea Party.
Its a good program, they just need to fix the computer system. By the way, the private sector is stepping in. I got a flyer in the mail from Blue Cross offering me THEIR web site and phone number to assess what I qualify for and sign me up. The private sector WANTS those new policy holders, dontcha know? Most of those people who are having to change policies? A lot had substandard policies that weren't worth the premiums they were paying... speaking of suckers. And a lot of the rest, their company OFFERED them the most expensive alternative available, which is what private companies do in a capitalist free enterprise system, but there are much more affordable ones available, if anyone bothers to ask... speaking of suckers again.
The website is the least of the problems. As for those insurance policies you mentioned , those are policies that the people chose of their own free will. Now comes govt bureaucrats who know nothing about insurance and they say they are no good. They offer something better like viagra coverage for women and abortion coverage for men. Again, Siarlys, you don't know what you are talking about. You are just pontificating.
Your vocabulary is improving Gary, but your substance is not keeping pace. "You don't know what you are talking about" is Fousespeak for "I disagree."
Your comments on viagra reminds me of those who protested that providing pregnancy leave for women discriminated against men. I proposed that the laws should be amended to allow any man or woman who was pregnant to have the same leave.
Those who are recovering from heart attacks are no doubt also covered in the event of cancer, although they may never have one.
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