
Friday, November 22, 2013

On November 22, More Idiocy Out of Berkeley

Hat tip Campus Reform

On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F Kennedy, is it surprising that some wacko professor from the University of California at Berkeley Center for Right-wing Studies would try to make the case that there was a right-wing connection between 1963 Dallas and conservative opposition to President Obama in 2013?

While it is probably true that there was much political opposition to President Kennedy in Dallas in 1963, only one thing remains certain: The only person clearly known to be responsible for the assassination is Lee Harvey Oswald, who was without any question a communist sympathizer. No other conspiracy element has ever been proven. You can speculate all you want about the CIA, Jack Ruby, or the Mafia, or Cuba, or the USSR, but Oswald is the only person proven (not in court because he was killed two days later) to be involved. The evidence linking him to the murder weapon was overwhelming. His actions immediately after the assassination including the killing of Dallas police officer JD Tippit add to the concrete case against him.

Yet, there will always be those who for their own political ends, want to tie the assassination of the president to some conservative elements. Does Dr Rosenthal really see a connection between opposition to JFK in 1963 to opposition to Obama in  2013?

I don't know how old this Rosenthal guy was in 1963 ( I was 18), but I think he misses the point that the assassination of JFK was a blow to all of us in America, Republican/Democrat, liberal/conservative. When a president is assassinated, it is an attack on all of us in America. The whole country grieved in November 1963. If God forbid, President Obama should be the target of an assassination attempt, we would all condemn it.

But what does this boob know? He is a professor at UC Berkeley.


Squid said...

I just got back from a play by Val Kilmer, acting as Mark Twain. He was excellent. Among the Twain statements that was presented was: "Idiots with confidence are successful". Another was: Do not let school ruin your eduction". Here we have a well schooled man (Prof Rosenthal) obviously successful secreting his spew. As the Campus Reform article puts out, the death of JFK was the beginning of a conservative utopia. Please, do not tell me that Johnson, who followed JFK, with his far left "Great Society" was a Conservative movement. I agree with Twain, "Idiots with confidence are successful." Hopefully, the students in his class will not let their schooling ruin their education.


Gary Fouse said...


I am posting your comment simply to illustrate what idiocy is all about. What am I supposed to check out here?

A "history channel"?

A "love affairs about Olswald" (sic)?

"The vice president and others did the job"?

Do yourself a favor and remain anonymous.

Good grief!

Squid said...

@ Anonymous,

Regarding your post, Twain was right.


Miggie said...

This ignoramus doesn't know that the animus in Texas against Kennedy at the time was anti-Catholic, not right or left wing.

It is similar to NYT's Paul Krugman
immediately blaming the right wing after Gabby Gifford was shot. In fact it was a crazy person who had no connection with the right.

The left are good haters and they see right wing fingerprints on anything horrible. (I'd like to see how they are going to blame Republicans for ObamaCare.)
It may be difficult to believe that such a momentous event like the Kennedy assassination could not have happened without some conspiracy behind it. So we think it may have been the Vice President, or the Mafia, or the USSR or Cuba that would give some kind of motive or meaning.

The problem with conspiracy buffs is that while they may point to this or that unknown explanation for something they still cannot make up a complete conspiracy theory with all the facts fitting in, much less any PROOF of any sort beyond pure conjecture. Beyond that it is hard to keep a large conspiracy intact after 50 years. Somebody would have sold the story by now.

It is natural to want the world to be rational. A lone gunman seems to be irrational but sometimes irrational things happen.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Much as I would like to believe some of the more plausible conspiracy theories, I can't think of ANY assassination of a president that wasn't the work of a crazed individual gunman. Although John Wilkes Booth had worked for confederate intelligence, he was not on assignment, and one T. Jefferson Davis later observed "second to losing its independence, the worst thing that ever happened to the South was the death of Abraham Lincoln." With Garfield and McKinley, its an open and shut case. Also the lone anarchist who tried to kill Roosevelt and killed Anton Cermak instead... starting the chain of events that made Richard J. Daley into Hizzoner.